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Plume Solar Chandelier

This off-the-grid solar-powered chandelier combines black feathers with black photovoltaic modules. The shimmering soft feathers counterpoint the reflective solar panels. The inner workings of the solar technology are clearly exposed at the back of the PV modules, to demystify solar technology.


107cm x 61cm x 61cm

Screenshot 2021-10-01 at 10.40.13.png

It functions as a type of solar clock as it illuminates automatically at dusk, highlighting hourly solar and seasonal rhythms. The chandelier must be placed in front of a window to gather solar power. The Plume Solar Chandelier lowers electric bills, eliminates wires and outlets, offers multi-directional ambient light, and casts patterns on surrounding surfaces like wallpaper. It can be customized to each setting. 


Project Leader 


Nina Edwards 

Drawing and Assembly


Jeffry Graziano

Tiffany Ng

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